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Do you take feedback and suggestions?
We sure do, you can join our Discord! Or you can leave us a note with Reddit. We appreciate all feedback and we love improving WuMap with community suggested features!

What are the buttons when I click into a location?
Highlighting, marking a visit, viewing extra info or reporting events and other things. You can also vote on it not existing or being a different location type, inn color etc.

How does the voting work?
Logged in users can mark / vote on locations and their maps update instantly to reflect that. With enough of the same user votes, the location will be updated on everyones map.

How does adding a location work?
Users can add missing locations, this will update their own map and everyone elses too!

How does the rank thing work?
You earn RP for being active on the site but each action has an earning cooldown. High rank members get extra special powers! And a place on the leaderboards in the future.

How is the data collected?
All data has been crowd-sourced and provided by our registered members. The website does not use any third party APIs. It is completely safe to login.

The map can only load about 500 at a time, so zoom in to see them all.
A range of settings for customizing the website!
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Size: 8km
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Wizards Unite - Interactive World Map
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